This mural portrays the Sodus Bay Lighthouse soon after it was built in 1870 before the 1892 porch was added. The original lighthouse was conical shaped and was constructed in 1825. By 1869, the first lighthouse had deteriorated due to shoreline erosion and severe weathering. The new lighthouse had a 4th order Fresnel lens that was visible approximately 17 miles. Boats sailing east along Lake Ontario would lose the light from the Charlotte-Genesee Lighthouse and then acquire the Sodus Bay Lighthouse signal. In a like manner, boats sailing west along Lake Ontario would lose the light from the Oswego West Pierhead Lighthouse and then acquire the light from the Sodus Bay Lighthouse. In this way, the lighthouse acted as a 19th century GPS system for boats. Today, the Sodus Bay Lighthouse is now leased and maintained by the Sodus Bay Historical Society and welcomes visitors to its museum.