Historic Sites

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Williamson Volunteer Ambulance

Historic Site #:14-062   (Exists)   Type: K2 Town:Williamson
Site Name:Williamson Volunteer AmbulanceGPS Coordinates:43.229278, -77.189921
Address:6334 Bennett St. Williamson NY
Williamson Volunteer Ambulance Service is a volunteer based Ambulance Agency that services the people of Williamson NY

Google MapsPhoto courtesy of their Facebook Page
Photo courtesy of their Facebook PagePhoto courtesy of their Facebook Page
Photo courtesy of their Facebook PagePhoto courtesy of their Facebook Page
Historic narrative:
Williamson Volunteer Ambulance Service started serving the Town of Williamson in 1970. We currently provide the residences of Williamson and neighboring ambulance districts with Advance Life Support and Basic Life Support services. Williamson utilizes two ambulances and a first response vehicle to respond to emergency calls and medical standby events. We currently are a combination of paid staff from Northeast Quadrant Advanced Life Support (NEQALS) and volunteer staff members. Our staffing hours are Monday through Friday 6:00am-10:00pm and Saturday and Sunday 6:00am-6:00pm.

Operations Team:
Dan Brooks, Director of Operations
Kurt Cronin, Assistant Director of Operations

Board of DIrectors:
April Brooks, President
Chuck Brust, Vice President
Kayleigh Hodge, Secretary
Dan Knopp
Jessica Bongard
Chris Imoe
Michael Lowe

Meetings are every second Wednesday of the month, beginning at 7:30 pm. If interested in membership, come to a meeting and get an application!

We are always interested in New members who want to become medics or drivers to serve the Williamson area.


Facebook Page

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