Historic Sites

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Cobblestone house

Historic Site #:14-023   (Exists)   Type: D1 Town:Williamson
Site Name:Cobblestone houseGPS Coordinates:43.230799, -77.145527
Address:4965 Ridge Rd.Williamson New York
Address: 4965 Ridge Road, Williamson 
This house has some differences from other area homes. The cobbles are light colored, and the lintels may be wooden. Notice the angled piece at the top of each lintel. Also notice the three tie rods on the front of the house, near the roof line

Photo by Bavis, 2014
Historic narrative:
Address: 4965 Ridge Road, Williamson 
This house has some differences from other area homes. The cobbles are light colored, and the lintels may be wooden. Notice the angled piece at the top of each lintel. Also notice the three tie rods on the front of the house, near the roof line


Cobblestone Quest by Rich and Sue Freeman Pages 119-120

Cobblestone Society Database