Historic Sites

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Fisher-Calus Cobblestone

Historic Site #:14-016   (Exists)   Type: D1 Town:Williamson
Site Name:Fisher-Calus CobblestoneGPS Coordinates:43.236496, -77.212723
Address:6554 Salmon Creek Rd. Williamson New York
Fisher-Calus Cobblestone

Photo from Cobblestone Buildings in Wayne County, New York
Historic narrative:
This cobblestone house is  built with tiny, red, uniform cobbles. Note the belly windows in the wide frieze and the medallion in the gable end on the side. The lintels have an unusual shape — almost an inverted T shape. The lintels and quoins have been painted and there’s a white house addition. The foundation and lintels over the basement windows are cut limestone.


Cobblestone Quest by Rich and Sue Freeman Page 115

.Cobblestone Buildings in Wayne County, New York

Cobblestone Society Database