Historic Sites

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Cobblestone house - Remnants

Historic Site #:12-116   (Exists)   Type: D,D1 Town:Sodus
Site Name:Cobblestone house - RemnantsGPS Coordinates:43.26284, -77.03004
Address:7287 Lake Road Sodus New York on a private road into Camp Beechwood
This is an abandoned cobblestone building now being covered by foliage

Photo courtesy of Edith Farrington
Historic narrative:

As you enter the parking lot of Camp Beechwood, off to the east side, you will see the remains of a cobblestone building lying crumbling and being slowly covered by foliage. If you are like me, you may have wondered what this old ruin was before it fell on hard times. In the publication “Sodus Past and Present”  published in May 1974  by the Urban/Rural Development Program, a group of school students and teachers in Sodus researched this structure and tell its history….


Camp Beechwood Cobblestone 700x520
According to Great Sodus Bay History, Reminiscences, Anecdotes and Legends (Page 303) Col. E. W. Sentell brought this property in 1830 and was the sole owner until 1855. The property initially had the Sentell schoolhouse on it but was moved across the road to its present location so that Sentell could erect his dwelling and barns.


Historic Sodus Point web page

Cobblestone Sodiety Database - Sodus 21