Historic Sites

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Cobblestone house

Historic Site #:12-044   (Exists)   Type: D,D1 Town:Sodus
Site Name:Cobblestone houseGPS Coordinates:43.195862, -77.011688
Address:5351 South Geneva Rd. Sodus New York
This house was destroyed in a fire and was subsequently torn down. A conventional house was built using some of the original cobblestone and  is now owned by the Amish. Yadlow Place Cobblestone House on South Geneva Road

Photo from Hoffman Foundation Wayne County History Scholarship Essays (1955). Cobblestone Structures of Wayne County by Verlyn Edward Klahn. Courtesy of the Office of the Wayne County Historian. Photo by Bavis, 2014
The house as it appears after being rebuilt after the fire (2019). Photo by Edith Farrington
Historic narrative:

From Hoffman Foundation Wayne County History Scholarship
Essays (1955). Cobblestone Structures of Wayne County by Verlyn Edward Klahn.
Courtesy of the Office of the Wayne County Historian.


 This house, on the South Geneva Road in the township of Sodus is-owned by W. C. Yandow. The Davis's, Wel's, and the Huttinson's
have also lived here- The Dutch oven is still in good condition. The main floor is below ground level.

STONES: : The stones are mostly red and lake polished. They measure  2-3 1/2  x 2 inches. The back is field stones.

JOINTS: The horizontal joint is a V and the vertical, a pyramid.

MORTAR: The mortar is soft and. fine textured.

QUOINS: The quoins are untooled. dark stones.

LINTELS: The painted wooded lintels are beveled.


Hoffman Foundation Wayne County History Scholarship Essays (1955). Cobblestone Structures of Wayne County by Verlyn Edward Klahn.

Cobblestone Society Database - Sodus 29