Historic Sites

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Cobblestone barn

Historic Site #:12-037   (Exists)   Type: D,D1 Town:Sodus
Site Name:Cobblestone barnGPS Coordinates:43.204371, -77.027465
Address:7480 Sodus Center Rd. Sodus New York
Old Cobblestone Barn in Sodus Center

Photo from From Hoffman Foundation Wayne County History Scholarship Essays (1955). Cobblestone Structures of Wayne County by Verlyn Edward Klahn. Courtesy of the Office of the Wayne County Historian.
Historic narrative:

From Hoffman Foundation Wayne County History Scholarship
Essays (1955). Cobblestone Structures of Wayne County by Verlyn Edward Klahn.
Courtesy of the Office of the Wayne County Historian.


This barn in Sodus Center is still in use. In one corner all the quoins have fallen in a heap.

STONES: The large lake stones in front are 3-5 x 3-3 1/2 inches. Large field stones are at the sides.

JOINTS: The horizontal joint is 1 inch high. The vertical  joints are V s.

MORTAR: The mortar is fine.

LINTELS: The lintels are wooden.

QUOINS: The quoins are fairly irregular tooled sandstone.


From Hoffman Foundation Wayne County History Scholarship Essays (1955). Cobblestone Structures of Wayne County by Verlyn Edward Klahn.

Cobblestone Society Database - Sodus 8