Historic Sites

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Haviland Cobblestone house abandoned

Historic Site #:10-006   (Gone)   Type: D1 Town:Rose
Site Name:Haviland Cobblestone house abandonedGPS Coordinates:43.166294, -76.855883
Address:11121 Wolcott Rd. North Rose NY
Cobblestone Buildings in Wayne County Blog by Richard Palmer
Historic narrative:
This now-gone house, once owned by Chester Haviland on the Rose-Wolcott Road, was a small, one-story structured with a narrow gable facing the highway. A portion of the front had been stuccoed over. The front was faced with lake stones and the sides with field stones. The house was roughly built. The quoins were an irregular red or white and had striped stones. The lintels were wooden.


Cobblestone Buildings in Wayne County Blog by Richard Palmer

Cobblestone Society Database