Historic Sites

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Blackburn Cobblestone house

Historic Site #:09-050   (Exists)   Type: D1 Town:Palmyra
Site Name:Blackburn Cobblestone houseGPS Coordinates:43.084511, -77.230335
Address:2121 Walker Road Palmyra NY
Cobblestone Buildings in Wayne County Blog by Richard PalmerCobblestone Buildings in Wayne County Blog by Richard Palmer
Cobblestone Buildings in Wayne County Blog by Richard Palmer
Historic narrative:
This residence at 2121 Walker Road, Palmyra was originally a typical five-bay farm house of the 1840s, built of field stone. It is believed it was built by Aretus Lapham, an early pioneer who came here from Providence, R.I. in 1810. Lapham originally resided in a nearby log house. Later it was occupied by his son, Nathan. In the 1870s the farm was sold to Charles C.B. Walker who may have added  the third-story frame section and cupola of Victorian design. A 1904 map of the Town of Palmyra shows it as part of the Charles C.B. Walker estate. The caretaker for the Walker estate resided here, according to the present owner. 


Cobblestone Buildings in Wayne County Blog by Richard Palmer

Cobblestone Society Database

Cobblestone Society Database