Historic Sites

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Durfee Cobblestone

Historic Site #:09-032   (Exists)   Type: D1 Town:Palmyra
Site Name:Durfee CobblestoneGPS Coordinates:43.120685, -77.203967
Address:3175 Route 21 Palmyra NY
The Job Durfee House at 3175 Route 21 was built in 1840. An unusual feature is it has six rows of lake stones to the quoin. Most have only four.

Cobblestone Buildings in Wayne County Blog by Richard PalmerCobblestone Buildings in Wayne County Blog by Richard Palmer
Cobblestone Buildings in Wayne County Blog by Richard Palmer
Historic narrative:
Durfee House
Address: 3175 Palmyra-Marion Road (Route 21), Palmyra
Original Owner: Job Durfee 
Year Built: 1840
Style: Greek Revival

Small, red, lake-washed cobbles were used on the front. Notice how the colors became mixed as the mason progressed up the sidewalls and that the sidewall stones are ovals laid diagonally. In fact, each side on this house is different. The 2-story main building has a 1-story wing. The house has a wide frieze with belly windows and cut limestone lintels, quoins and sills. Notice the basement windows (but not the others) have limestone lintels set on edge. The house sits on a fieldstone foundation.


Cobblestone Buildings in Wayne County Blog by Richard Palmer

Cobblestone Quest by Rich and Sue Freeman Pages 136-137

Cobblestone Society Database