Historic Sites

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Harris Farm Hist Marker & Cobblestone

Historic Site #:09-011   (Exists)   Type: B2,B4,D1,F3 Town:Palmyra
Site Name:Harris Farm Hist Marker & CobblestoneGPS Coordinates:43.083543, -77.239758
Address:2095 Maple Ave. Palmyra NY
Photo by Bavis , 2009 Photo by Bavis , 2009
Photo by Bavis , 2009 Photo by Bavis , 2009
Fire place chimney, north side of house. Cobblestone Buildings in Wayne County Blog by Richard PalmerCobblestone Buildings in Wayne County Blog by Richard Palmer
Historic narrative:
This house at 2095 Maple Ave., Palmyra, replaced a one and a half-story wooden
 frame house that originally stood on this site. When Martin Harris, a follower
 of Mormon leader Joseph Smith, left here in 1831, it was occupied by William 
Chapman. The house burned to the ground in 1849 and was replaced by this 
cobblestone house, built by Robert Johnson for Chapman.  The stones were 
collected from the shore of the lake by his son, Thomas Johnson, who was only 
10 years old at the time. It was a three-day round trip to Lake Ontario and return. 
Hauling back a load of stone was a slow process. It took one day go to the lake, 
one day to gather the stones and one day to return home. The stones were then
sorted and sized, with the most uniform ones used for the front, and the less
desirable ones on the sides and back. 

The house, on the west side of Maple Avenue, is owned by the Church of Jesus Christ
of Latter-day Saints (Mormons). Once a visitors center, it now serves as the private 
residence for missionaries.


Cobblestone Buildings in Wayne County Blog by Richard Palmer

Cobblestone Quest by Rich & Sue Freeman, page 134-135

Cobblestone Society Database