Historic Sites

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Nathan Reed Cobblestone house

Historic Site #:06-020   (Exists)   Type: D1 Town:Macedon
Site Name:Nathan Reed Cobblestone houseGPS Coordinates:43.06548, -77.310278
Address:5 West Main Street Macedon, NY
Photo from 1955 Hoffman EssayPhoto from 1955 Hoffman Essay
Photo by Gardner, 2019
Historic narrative:
From the 1955 Hoffman essay: "This house was built by Nathan Reed, an early Quaker settler in Macedon, in 1838-1839. The lake stone and stone corners were drawn by oxen from Puntneyville on the lake."


1955 Hoffman Essay Contest winner 'Cobblestone Structures of Wayne County' by Verlyn Edward Klahn

Cobblestone Quest by Rich & Sue Freeman, page 133

Cobblestone Society Database