Historic Sites

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Richmond Cobblestone

Historic Site #:05-024   (Exists)   Type: D1 Town:Lyons
Site Name:Richmond CobblestoneGPS Coordinates:43.06007, -76.968155
Address:8729 Old RTE 31 Lyons NY
Cobblestone Buildings in Wayne County Blog by Richard Palmer
Historic narrative:
This house at  8729 Old Route 31, Lyons was built for Elias Richmond in  1834.  It has wooden lintels and transom  over  inset front door. 

Richmond House
Address: 8729 Old Route 31, Lyons 
Original Owner: Elias Richmond
Year Built: 
Original building ~1826, kitchen extension
added 1834 
Period: Early

This early period house was built with large field cobbles, rough-cut limestone quoins that are slightly smaller than those used in later buildings, and wooden lintels. A transom is over the inset front door. The house is set on a large stone foundation. The quoins on the wing are mixed stone. The front has some patches of mortar over the cobbles. In 1883 Elias Richmond purchased 87.5 acres of land from his neighbor Henry Teachout. For many years this home was owned by a bachelor named George Richmond.


Cobblestone Buildings in Wayne County Blog by Richard Palmer

Cobblestone Quest by Rich and Sue Freeman Page 154

Cobblestone Society Database