Historic Sites

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Howell - Mander

Historic Site #:07-082   (Exists)   Type: D10 Town:Marion
Site Name:Howell - ManderGPS Coordinates:43.136715, -77.155942
Address:3637 DeNeering Rd, Marion NY
The original house was of simple New England colonial architecture and is now the central part of the structure. The wing on the south was built in 1927. A wing on the north was also added. The abstract for this property dates to 1816 and the house was probably built shortly thereafter as when the house was purchased in 1942, it was said to be 150 years old.

Historic narrative:

Historic Homes In and Around Arcadia, Cecilia B Jackson (1982)

Newark Courier-Gazette article by Cecilia Jackson, 18 May 1978