Historic Sites

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Bartle - Millbrook

Historic Site #:01-117   (Exists)   Type: D10 Town:Arcadia
Site Name:Bartle - MillbrookGPS Coordinates:43.039504, -77.097515
Address:118 West Maple Ave, Newark NY
This house on the southeast corner of Bartle Ave and West Maple was built in 1840. From the time it was built when the first Warren S. Bartle married Eliza Camber of England, there was only a cellar under one room, and the three beams supporting the house helped to date it.

Photo by JNP 20210118
Historic narrative:

Historic Homes In and Around Arcadia, Cecilia B Jackson (1982)

Newark Courier-Gazette article by Cecilia Jackson, 3 Aug 1976 (not available online)