Historic Sites

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Pultneyville United Methodist Church

Historic Site #:14-053   (Exists)   Type: E1 Town:Williamson
Site Name:Pultneyville United Methodist ChurchGPS Coordinates:43.27836, -77.18546
Address:7767 Hamilton St, Williamson, NY 14589
Sanctuary in 2015 (used with permission (LA Jorgensen)
Historic narrative:
Organized in 1814, the congregation used the Union Hall until they built their brick structure in 1874 at a cost of $6,988.76, plus $900 for furnishings and a chandelier. In 1875 a bell was installed in the tower. In 1925 a brick addition was built onto the front of the church.


Landmarks of Wayne County. George W. Cowles. 1895.

Williamson Pultneyville Historical Society WPHS. File box “Churches #1—Church History”

Wayne County Historian File folder “Religion—Churches—Williamson--Pultneyville”

A History of the Union Church and Gates Hall, 1826-1967.Stuart Hotchkiss and John Westerberg. 1967.