Historic Sites

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Charles McLouth Home

Historic Site #:09-044   (Exists)   Type: D8,D10 Town:Palmyra
Site Name:Charles McLouth Home GPS Coordinates:43.061384, -77.23089
Address:160 Cuyler St. Palmyra NY at the NE corner Cuyler & Jackson Sts.
A classic example of Queen Anne Style built around 1880.

Photo by Bavis, 2013
Historic narrative:

Built around 1880 by Judge Charles McLouth.  According to information passed down, Judge McLouth asked Mr. Ornsbee and Col. Joseph Corning both of which had homes on this site if they would move their homes to West Jackson Street and sell him the land on the corner of Jackson and Cuyler Streets.  They agreed to do so.  It is also been reported that Judge McLouth built a one room schoolhouse on the back of the property.  (This information provided by Bonnie Hays, Executive Director of Historic Palmyra)
