Believe You Can Achieve Mural
This mural embodies symbols that reflect the aspirations of the youth of the Goal ChaserZ program, who assisted in the concepts and execution of the mural. They worked on quotes and helped prepare the wall, in addition to painting flowers on the back steps, and placing their handprints on the tree at the corner of the mural.
The mural is centered on “The Road to Success”. It blends the past with the present, from the old “Clinton ditch,” which passed directly through this site, to current youthful activities.
Entitled “Believe You Can Achieve,” the first step in the mural leads to a series of pillars and through the “Arch of Success.”
The Doric style pillar represents Wisdom, the Ionic pillar symbolizes Strength, and the Corinthian stands for Beauty.
Wisdom: to know what is true and right, coupled with just action. Reflection and carefully judgment are sources of wisdom.
Strength: mental strength equals courage; the strength of will to do what is right. Success demans inner strength.
Beauty: grace, charm and excellence in thought and action – beauty provides deep satisfaction to the mind. Beauty is paramount to success.
As we encounter and achieve these characteristics we are able to reach our final goal and pass through the “arch of success.”
The muralists wish to extend a special “thank you” to Kyra Yon and the staff of Goal ChaserZ – without them this project could not have happened.
Corky Goss Chip Miller Art in Public Places 2008