Historic Sites

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Cobblestone house

Historic Site #:12-028   (Exists)   Type: D,D1 Town:Sodus
Site Name:Cobblestone houseGPS Coordinates:43.20302, -77.0254
Address:5549 Main St. Sodus Center New York
Cobblestone house in Sodus Center

Photo by Bavis, 2014
Historic narrative:

This 2-story home has small, red cobbles. The wooden lintels have a raised segment in the middle of the top. Repairs to the mortar are evidenced by lighter colors and filled-in cracks.

From Hoffman Foundation Wayne County History Scholarship
Essays (1955). Cobblestone Structures of Wayne County by Verlyn Edward Klahn.
Courtesy of the Office of the Wayne County Historian.


George Ellis owns this cobblestone house in Sodus Center.

STONES: Red lake stones were used in the main wing of the house. Mostly gray and black stones measuring
l 1/2 -3 x 1 3/4 - 2 inches are found in the side addition.

JOINT: The fairly wavy horizontal V is 1 inch high. The vertical joints are V's and pyramids.

MORTAR: The mortar is brown and pebbly.

QUOINS: The sandstone quoins are regular.

LINTELS: The Lintels are wooden.


Cobblestone Quest Page 129 by Rich and Sue Freeman

Cobblestone Society Database - Sodus 7

Hoffman Foundation Wayne County History Scholarship Essays (1955). Cobblestone Structures of Wayne County by Verlyn Edward Klahn.