Historic Sites

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Cobblestone house

Historic Site #:13-014   (Exists)   Type: D1 Town:Walworth
Site Name:Cobblestone houseGPS Coordinates:43.13936, -77.273793
Address:2203 Walworth-Penfield Rd., Walworth, NY
Photo by Bavis, 2013
Historic narrative:
Jay Taber wrote an article for the Walworth Historical Society Newsletter in 2006.  Here is the description of this home that he and his family lived in for nearly 50 years.  

The next house is the cobblestone home we lived in for so long with our daughters, Mary Ellen and Joan. The house was built in the 1840’s and has had a succession of owners, including Henry and Libby Bean in the early 1920’s. His sister, Carrie Carter, inherited it upon their deaths. Carrie and her husband in turn left it to their two daughters and son - Mrs. Fred Peacock, Ray (Grace) Carter, and Mrs. Peet. The Carter children sold it to the Bennetts, whose son Vern and his wife Helen lived there for about five years with their children. They sold it to us in 1955.

The second floor space had been increased to add an apartment, which was rented at various times. Bill, Hennie, and Bunny Underhill lived there when we first moved in. Newlyweds Leighton and Nancy Bel lived there from 1956 – 1960, and in 1962 Arline’s mother moved into the apartment.

Last summer we sold our home to Jim and Linda Harden and their children.  (note...this was written in 2006 and as of 12/2021, the Harden family still lives there.)


Penfield Road Tour 2006 by Walworth Historical Society

Walworth Cobblestone Structures - Blog by Richard Palmer

Cobblestone Society Database