Historic Sites

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Aqueduct Park & Lock 29 & Aldrich Change Bridge

Historic Site #:06-036   (Exists)   Type: B3,B4,I1,K5 Town:Macedon
Site Name:Aqueduct Park & Lock 29 & Aldrich Change BridgeGPS Coordinates:43.06432, -77.248531
Address:2685 Route 31 Macedon NY
The Mud Creek Aqueduct is located in Aqueduct Park, just west of the Village of Palmyra, NY, north of NY Route 31, and adjacent to existing Erie Canal Lock No. 29. The remains of the aqueduct include the towpath bridge, on the south side of the canal, now a part of a walking trail, and the stone supports for the (now missing) wooden canal prism ...

From Trip Advisor
Historic narrative:
Modern Lock 29 moves boats sixteen feet between elevations of 446 feet upstream and 430 feet downstream. Nearby is an abandoned aqueduct that took the improved Erie Canal over Mud Creek before the current Erie (Barge) Canal was built.  In a park next to the canal is the Aldrich Change Bridge which was originally near Rochester.  A “change bridge” allowed mules towing a barge to cross to the opposite side of the canal without having to remove the towline. 


Erie Canal web site

Trip Advisor


Railie Travels

Lock 29 YouTube Video