Historic Sites

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Greater Newark Chamber of Commerce

Historic Site #:01-097   (Exists)   Type: E0 Town:Arcadia
Site Name:Greater Newark Chamber of CommerceGPS Coordinates:43.047772, -77.092821
Address:199 Van Buren Street, Newark, NY

Mission Statement

The Greater Newark Chamber of Commerce was organized in in October of 1924, and since that time has evolved into a true community organization. The main purpose of this organization has been to advance the civic, commercial, industrial and agricultural interests of the Village of Newark and the surrounding areas. To stimulate public sentiments for the protection of the general welfare and prosperity of the Village of Newark and the Town of Arcadia, as well as the County of Wayne.

The Greater Newark Chamber of Commerce has developed a mission statement to use as a guide in their activities:

“The purpose of the Greater Newark Chamber to Commerce is to do all the things necessary through the public services to encourage and support the healthy growth of business and industry in the Greater Newark Community.”

From the Greater Newark Chamber of Commerce web site
Historic narrative:


Chamber website

Chamber About web page