Historic Sites

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Cobblestone house

Historic Site #:11-004   (Exists)   Type: D1 Town:Savannah
Site Name:Cobblestone houseGPS Coordinates:43.107264, -76.79011
Address:2735 Wilsey Road, Savannah, NY
Street address is an estimate from Google view.
1/17/21 - Current owner said that he had gutted and rebuilt most of the interior as it was in very poor condition.  The vinyl on the front replaced some painted metal.  Behind it is a "field stone" wall according to owner.  Portions of the lower front are in need of repair.  Current owner also said that he had dug around the foundation and coated much of it with mortar to reduce the amount of seepage into the basement.

Note:  The Cobblestone Society Database referenced below contains a report by an architectural historian (1987) and several more photographs of the structure.  

Cobblestone Buildings in Wayne County Blog by Richard Palmer
Historic narrative:

Cobblestone Society Database

Cobblestone Society Database