Historic Sites

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Underground Railroad Historic Marker - Maxwell Creek

Historic Site #:12-138   (Exists)   Type: B2,F2,J6 Town:Sodus
Site Name:Underground Railroad Historic Marker - Maxwell CreekGPS Coordinates:43.26589, -77.02443
Address:7563 Lake Rd. Sodus New York on the north side of the road at Maxwell Creek Bed & Breakfast Inn.
Underground Railroad Plaque at Maxwell Creek.

Photo courtesy Maxwell Creek Bed & Breakfast
Historic narrative:

Believed to have been Underground Railroad safe house CA 1846. Original owners Elizabeth and John Preston were known abolitionists.
Placed by New York Folklore Society, William C. Pomeroy Foundation 2015


To read more about this house, click the links below:



Historic Sodus Point web site

YouTube Video The Ballad of the Underground Railroad