Historic Sites

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Church of the Epiphany

Historic Site #:12-072   (Exists)   Type: E1 Town:Sodus
Site Name:Church of the EpiphanyGPS Coordinates:43.23619, -77.06998
Address:105 W. Main Street Sodus New York
Church of the Epiphany, Catholic Church in Sodus New York

Interior, 2015 (used with permission of Loreen Jorgensen)
Historic narrative:

Organized in 1922, the church was built the following year. The Parish Center was added in 1985. It is now part of the St. Maximilian Kolbe Parish

For a detailed history of this church, click this link: http://townofsodushistoricalsociety.org/villages/sodus/churches/church-of-the-epiphany-catholic-church/


Diocese of Rochester on the Church of the Epiphany, Sodus, NY

Town of Sodus Historical Society web page