Historic Sites

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Rochester, Syracuse & Eastern Railroad Power Substation

Historic Site #:06-021   (Exists)   Type: I2 Town:Macedon
Site Name:Rochester, Syracuse & Eastern Railroad Power SubstationGPS Coordinates:43.0633, -77.337676
Address:1527 Beebe Road
Brick structure that originally housed electrical equipment.

Historic narrative:
Built circa 1905 by the RS&E to convert 33,000 volt alternating current to 650 volt direct current to power the trolley equipment. This was one of eight substations spaced about 12 miles apart between Rochester and Syracuse. In 1923 this substation was upgraded with the installation of Westinghouse automatic switch gear. It was the only one to receive the upgrade.


'TravElectric' The Story of the Rochester, Syracuse & Eastern Railroad and Associated Lines by James R. McFarlane