Historic Sites

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Cobblestone house

Historic Site #:13-015   (Exists)   Type: D1,D10 Town:Walworth
Site Name:Cobblestone houseGPS Coordinates:43.138948, -77.274595
Address:2188 Walworth-Penfield Rd., Walworth, NY

Known as the Esley house, this partial cobblestone home is located at the southeast corner of Penfield Road and Church Street. The cobblestone addition was built in 1840 and several years later another addition was built to the rear. Dr. Ernest E. Esley’s office was in the home’s northwest front corner. In 1933 the Esley’s purchased additional property to the west of their home from Robert and Alice Bridges of 2175 Church Street (the current Pease property).


Although Dr. Esley had passed away in 1946 before we moved into our house, his widow, Mabel, still lived there with their son Ernest and daughter Marjorie.  Marjorie (professionally known as Joan Esley) illustrated children’s books and frequently used Walworth children as her models. Later Ernest married and continued to live there for several years. 


Later, Rosalee Amorasa-Wills and sons Al and Chris boarded men from the Newark Developmental School. In 1992 Jim and Kimberly LeMay purchased the property from Rosalee.  

The above is from "A Journey Down Penfield Road" by Jay Taber and Friends.  This was a 4 part series that was publish in the Walworth Historical Society's Newletters.

Photo by Bavis, 2009
Historic narrative:

Penfield Road Tour 2006 by Walworth Historical Society

Walworth Cobblestone Structures - Blog by Richard Palmer

1993 Aerial Photo

Cobblestone Society Database